A non-profit organisation working towards a fair and equal tech industry.
Women in Tech Gothenburg began with the desire of creating a community by connecting like-minded individuals who believe in empowering women in the tech industry. By women and for women; we welcome anyone who identifies as a woman in tech to join us in our mission to create a fair & equal tech-industry. We believe that tech is the future and the future we are building should be for everyone.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will an equal future be.
This is why we are involved in some long-term projects aiming to create a more fair future for all. Read below on how you can get involved.
We host a variety of events annually with the purpose to educate, empower, or advocate for women in the tech industry. We are always looking for new ideas to realize, people to help us out and companies to partner up with to make these events a reality.
Women in Tech Gothenburg is run by a passionate team of volunteers since its founding in 2016. The organisation is run by our board, and our work is created by our 5 activity groups: Events, Projects, Communication, Partnership & Fundraising, Finance, and Law & compliance.